
Friday, September 18, 2009

A new layout!

I have been thinking about changing the layout of this blog for a while and have decided to go for it. It has three columns now, which I prefer. I am still playing with a few things, but you'll have to be patient as I try to figure out how to change computer code!

How you like it! I think I do.


  1. Some usability comments:

    Hmmm. For a three-column layout, having the articles in the middle is traditional. It looks odd having the two right-hand columns with headings that don't line up. It makes the page look busy and hard-to-understand.

    If you don't want to reorder them, perhaps a little more space or a divider or something between the two right-hand columns would make it a bit easier on the eye?

    The whole layout would work better if the bookshelves (recently reviewed, books I plan to read) were shorter - can the book lists be in three-per-row instead of one long list? It'd also work better if these were in the same column - perhaps move recently reviewed to the right, as it looks odd for the middle column to be the longest (at least when viewing a single article).

    There are two search boxes, one at the top of the page and one in the right-hand column. What is the difference? Are they both needed?

    It would flow better to have 'About Me' above 'Musings' - move from more general to more specific information.

    It looks a bit odd having both 'Recently Reviewed' and 'All Book Reviews' - can one of them go?

    Sorry to have so much skin-deep criticism! I really value the content of this blog and always look forward to your articles.

  2. Wow Tom - I had no idea anyone would care about the details as much as me!

    Most of the things you suggest make sense to me, column width etc, but I am currently confined by the layout I chose. If I can figure out how to change the code on any of these things, I may have a go at it - I am learning how to interpret the code as I go!

    The search box up the top is put there by the blog layout - but if you try it, it does not work - I can't yet figure out how to get rid of it.

    Thanks for the feedback.


I love to get your comments, but please leave your name if you can (you can still select anonymous, just write your name in the space as well as your comment!). Thanks. (Sorry I have had to add the word verification step - too much spam!)