
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Recipe Meme

Nicole has tagged me on a recipe meme. Oh, the pressure...

Here are the rules:
- Choose one ingredient from her recipe and post a recipe using this ingredient on my blog, linking back to the previous blogs that have posted a recipe.
- Then tag four new people, and we will see how it grows.
- To keep it exciting please post within a week of receiving the tag.

I have selected the chicken from Nicole's recipe, and share with you my chicken casserole recipe, cooked in a slow cooker. I love this meal because it feeds us twice: on the first night as a normal casserole with rice; and on the second night as a pie. I have included both recipes below. (It could be done on the stovetop or in the oven too)

Chicken Casserole
~1.5kgs chicken thighs, cut into pieces
1 onion, chopped
1 packet (250g) short cut bacon, chopped
1 cup chicken stock
1 cup wine (I use rose; white or red is fine, could just use more stock too if preferred)
1 tsp minced garlic
Italian herbs
salt and pepper
4-6 carrots, sliced
~8 mushrooms, sliced
frozen peas
30-40g butter
2 tbsp flour

• fry onion and bacon in olive oil, put in slow cooker
• fry chicken to brown, add to slow cooker
• add stock, wine, herbs, garlic, carrots and mushrooms
• cook on high for 4 hours
• 1 hour before finished, add peas
• 1/2 to 1 hour before finished, mix butter with flour and hot juices, make a paste, then add to casserole (this thickens up the sauce and adds a bit of creaminess)
• serve with rice

Chicken Casserole Pie
1½ sheets frozen short crust pastry, defrosted
2 sheets frozen puff pastry, defrosted
chicken casserole

• blind bake shortcrust pastry in greased pie tin (10-15 mins on 200°C with pastry weights)
• microwave casserole to heat through
• place in pastry shell
• put over 1 sheet of pastry, spray with canola and repeat with other sheet. Fold over pastry at the edges, spray all with canola
• Bake at 200-220°C fan forced for ~40 mins - enough for pastry to brown

I am struggling to figure out who to tag, seeing a number of people I would ask have private blogs...

I will tag Jenny, Sally, Gillian & Tamie. But I will not be offended if you don't continue the meme! Will be a test too, to see if you actually read my blog!

And could anyone enlighten me as to where 'meme' came from???

Photo from stock.xchg


  1. Thanks Wendy! I'm definitely going to try this one...

    I found a definition for 'meme' here, but no info on origins, so I guess that doesn't help much!

  2. All done Wendy! Thanks for tagging me!

    Here's the link:

  3. Thanks Wendy

    Sounds delicious

    I am always keen to try new recipes in my slow cooker


  4. Thanks Tamie!

    And for Nicole and Amellia - if you like it, there is also a beef burgundy one which is similar, and yummy too! Let me know if you want it.


  5. Thanks Wendy

    I would like the beef burgundy recipe too



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