
Friday, December 4, 2009

for women only (part 10) - conclusions

for women only:
you need to know about the inner lives of men
Shaunti Feldhahn

Chapter 9 - Words For Your Heart
What Your Man Most Wishes You Knew About Him

At the end of the surveys, men were asked one open-ended question that they could answer however they wanted:
What is the one thing that you wish your wife/significant other knew, but you feel you can't explain to her or tell her? (p179)
The top answer (almost 2x as many as the next response):
How much I love her.

Here were some of the responses that men wrote:
"How much I love here and appreciate her."

"How much I truly do care for and love her and the kids."

"How much she means to me."

"I have a wonderful relationship with my wife and we communicate well, I wouldn't change a thing."

"I love here and only her. It doesn't matter that our relationship isn't perfect - my love for her is so deep than nothing could break it."

"That I will love her no matter what."

"That she truly is the light of my life."

One man concluded:
"It is so true, that behind every great man is a great woman," he said. "There are a lot of men out there who are mediocre, simply because their wives will not support them and bring them to greatness. And there are a lot of mediocre men who are destined to become great men - who are are becoming great men - because their wives love and support them." (p183-4)

So, be encouraged wives - and encourage your husbands!

Hope you enjoyed this series - or it at least provided some thinking material!!

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