
Monday, January 25, 2010

The Calvin Club

Have you ever read Calvin's Institutes?

Maybe you are like me and had them as required reading through bible college. However, if you are also like me, at the time you felt that the definition of reading constituted your eyes scanning each word on the page (whether or not they made sense in your brain!) Or you are also like me, and 7 years and 3 children later, you have no recollection of anything, except perhaps some of the more colourful language that Calvin used which made reading him that little bit more fun!

Or you may be more like Meredith, who wants to give Calvin a go, even though she is thinking she might find the doctrine a little hard-going (I think you'll love it Meredith!)

Whoever, you are, if you are a Christian, thinking about the core beliefs of our faith should be something we all strive to do.

To that end, why not join Cathy and her Calvin club. She is planning to co-ordinate a slow reading (over a few years) of Calvin's Institutes. I am thrilled. I have been toying with reading them again for some years, knowing I never really got that much out of them at college and had pretty much decided that this year was the year. Then, other bloggers alerted me to Cathy and her Club and I have joined in with excitement.

She is planning to get through Book 1 (of 4) this year, starting with just the introductory comments and the letter to the king in January. You have heaps of time to get on board. Go over to her explanation of which preferred version/translation to get, and consider joining the Calvin club!

I will be commenting on Cathy's site as well as doing some of my own posts of things that strike me as I read along. You can always link to Cathy's HQ by clicking on the Calvin club graphic over on the right column -->


  1. Hi Wendy,
    This is exciting!
    I've subscribed to your blog, so I won't miss a thing.
    It will be really wonderful to have a second time reader!

    We had a holiday in Adelaide in November (during the heatwave). I had come across your blog back then, so I was checking out the various churches, trying to guess where you might belong! Adelaide is lovely. May God make you and your family very fruitful there.

  2. I don't really advertise it, but it's also no secret - our church is Holy Trinity Adelaide. If you come again let us know!

    I have been trying to figure out whether we are related, seeing my maiden name is McKay. I'm guessing if we are it's pretty distant, but the McKays I hail from are Presbyterian then Uniting...

    Thanks for the comment!

  3. Tempting, very tempting!!
    I remember reading Calvin very quickly thinking that it was great stuff that I should come back to one day. Maybe this is the day : )


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