
Monday, February 15, 2010

Children's Music

Over the last few months, we have acquired a number of new Christian kids CDs. All have been well-received by the kids and by us, so I share them with you!
Starting with God Unlimited, produced by Emu Music - this is a great CD, it is so much fun to listen to. Admittedly it took a few times to draw me in (it was a bit too rocky for me to start with). I know Colin tends to corner the Australian Christian music scene for children, but Emu Music have produced a real winner here. The songs are snappy, fun, and good for kids and adults. This will appeal to slightly older children, my 6 year-old loves it, although the 4 & 2 year-olds are also pretty keen on it. The personal highlight for me is having Rob Smith singing some of the songs, especially his Elvis impersonation on 'Three In One' about the Trinity. Have a listen to the songs at the Emu music site. My kids couldn't understand why I was laughing so much the first time I heard it. 

 The next CD, also an Emu production, is J is for Jesus. This, while liked by my 6-year old, has real appeal to my 4 & 2 year-olds, with the 2 year-old already learning some of the words and phrases. One of the real drawcards of this CD as far as the kids are concerned, is that it features Karen Pang from Playschool. The songs even have a bit of a Play School feel to them. It's got four vocalists, and there is a nice variety of songs covering the bible alphabet, animals, colours, and all facets of a child's life relating them to God and Jesus. It's been another winner in the car. Listen to samples here.

Finally, the new Colin CD - another memory verse one, called Boom Chicka Boom. As fitting with Colin's style, this is fun, has a wide range of music styles and he puts 30 bible verses to music. I could not believe how quickly the kids (esp the 4 & 6 year-olds) learnt all the songs and therefore all the verses. Last year, I tried to teach the kids memory verses using cards stuck on the wall - we were doing one a month. This month, they have learnt (or been reminded of) 30 verses just using this CD! And, so have I!

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