
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A great night

I had one of the best nights of my life on Monday night.

That's a big call I know. However, I think it's true. (Of course our wedding was better and there have probably been some other key moments that would rate a mention!)

I went to the James Taylor and Carole King concert.

Now some of you are thinking:
- "wow, you must be really old to like them" (no, I'm not - my mum was a big fan of James Taylor and it was soaked into me as a kid)
- "who are they?" - then you are too young!

But, hopefully some of you are agree with me that they (& I have to say for me, it was mainly about James Taylor) are fantastic. Their music is great and his voice is amazing. It was so much fun.

They are getting on in years, both exceeding the age of my still wonderfully young parents. James Taylor is 62 and Carole King is 68. But they do a great concert, still jumping around the stage and belting out the songs.

It included lots of their classic songs:
For Taylor - Fire & Rain, Carolina in My Mind, Sweet Baby James, Shower the People, Steamroller
For King - I Feel the Earth Move, Locomotion, It's Too Late, Way over Yonder, You've Got a Friend (which I thought Taylor wrote, but apparently King did), Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?

Did I say it was fantastic?!


And just a little taste for those that wish they could have been there...

1 comment:

  1. Don't they sound great? You lucky thing. I was a big James Taylor fan - such beautiful songs.


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