
Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Change #2

Over the last 6 months I have started running. For those that have not known me for long, this may not seem like a big deal, but some of you out there know that it really is. I used to hate running.

Yet I have continued to search for exercise options. The gym is less and less appealing because of the effort to get there and the volume of the music. The pool is only open 6 months of the year. However, the river and the tracks along it are there all year round – quiet and free.

I started walking almost every day about 9 months ago, to deal with some ongoing health and pain issues. As we moved into summer, the walking was boring me a little, so I started running occasionally. The running has steadily increased and now I am running.

I’m not sure I would go so far as to say I am now a “runner”, but I am definitely “running”. I regularly run 4km, but have managed to stretch it out to 6.5km on a good day. The aim is to go 3-4 times a week.

Some things I have discovered are:
  • I am really enjoying it. Surprise of all surprises!
  • I run much better before lunch or mid-afternoon. I do not even try to go early morning, I want my sleep and at the moment it’s too cold. Therefore, some careful management of when Husband can be home to mind the kids is required.
  • Husband will do almost anything to enable me to do exercise – he knows how good it is for me, both physically and mentally and he will make it happen. Reminds me of this chapter in for women only.
  • I need to keep listening to new things. A song playlist bores me after a while – although does provide some good beats at times to keep you going! I am now choosing to listen to audiobooks or sermons. My mind has to focus on something other than the running.
  • I can now do something I previously thought was impossible (ie. run for 30-45 mins non-stop). Helps to give the self-confidence a boost at times!
  • I need to stop expecting dramatic body shape changes as a result – nothing appears to have changed at all. However, my pain issues are decreased, which is much more important.
  • I need motivation. I have a friend in Sydney who has started running, and another friend here who regularly runs >10kms - she confided that she only started running when she was 35. I kept thinking that they could do it, and so could I – and it’s true, I can! So, if you need motivation also, feel free to use me, think to yourself: “Wendy managed it, I can too”
  • I have a little goal: to run in a fun run (6kms) in a few months. My friend from Sydney may well join me and that would be great fun to do it together. Even if it doesn’t work out, I know now that I could do it.

1 comment:

  1. Good on you Wendy. I don't run but I'm a big advocate for exercise because of the physical strength and sanity it has given me.

    Tell us how the fun run goes (now you're really accountable!).


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