
Monday, October 4, 2010

Stand in awe of God

Recently I had cause to think a bit more about God. I was looking at Ecclesiastes 5 and the instructions on how we are to come before God when we worship him. The only reason that we are to come before God is given in v 2b:
God is in heaven
and you are on earth
God is the one in control, he sits on the throne of heaven. We are on his earth, living the life he alone gave us.

There is such a vast difference between who God is and who we are.

So much so, that the final instruction in the passage is simply “stand in awe of God” (v7b).

It’s easy to lose the awe of what it is to come before the living God. We take it for granted that Jesus has allowed us direct access to God by his death and resurrection. It is with great joy that we can freely approach God because of Christ, but sometimes in doing so we forget the magnitude of being able to come before God himself.

Join me for a couple of weeks as I stand in awe of God. I’m going to spend some time looking at who God is and how awesome he is, I won’t be doing much writing – just looking at what the bible has to say. Don’t expect any theological treatise. Instead just take some time to stand in awe of God.

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