
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Support Networks - Online

This series was originally posted on In Tandem, a blog for ministry wives

Support Networks: Online

Where would we be in this online age (and indeed on a blog!) without mentioning the resources available online for ministry wives? Facebook groups and blogs abound. Some denominations and organisations are also getting onboard and creating sites for the wives under their care.

Hopefully for most people these online communities are just an added extra to the support they receive from people in person.

However the online community can have great benefits, especially for those who are isolated geographically, or who are unable or unwilling for whatever reason to meet with people who are local.

A concern with some of these forums is that there is little chance for real, honest, two-way interaction. You cannot always judge the tone of a comment or post correctly, and people are unlikely to be completely honest. It seems easier to be harsher when we type rather than when we speak face to face. Obviously, we all need to use discretion, wisdom and graciousness when interacting with one another online.

Having said all that, I know a lot of women who benefit from reading the thoughts of other women online as it validates their own experience.

I suggest that we strive to set up personal support as well as the online support when possible.

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