
Monday, February 21, 2011

Blue Kangaroo

I Love You, Blue Kangaroo! Emma Chichester Clark
Blue Kangaroo belonged to Lily.
He was her very own kangaroo. Every night, Lily said "I love you, Blue Kangaroo!" And Blue Kangaroo fell fast asleep in Lily's arms.
So begins a lovely series of books by author & illustrator Emma Chichester Clark. She has created a wonderful relationship between the little girl Lily and her favourite soft toy, Blue Kangaroo. Blue Kangaroo can think, he has feelings, he can get around when no-one is looking and solve little problems when he needs to, but he doesn't actually talk to Lily. It's a lovely idea that our toys love us as much as we love them and the kids (especially my girls) have loved these books. There are quite a few of them now - we have also enjoyed Happy Birthday, Blue Kangaroo! and What Shall We Do, Blue Kangaroo?

Lovely gentle stories, perfect for little girls and those who like to think their stuffed animals love them as much as they are loved.

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