
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Operation World

Operation World

One way to persist in prayer and to ask that God’s will be done is to actually be informed about how God is working in the world, and the various challenges Christians and the church face worldwide.

I was delighted to discover at CMS Summer Encounter that the new edition of Operation World was released last year. This prayer guide covers every nation of the world, divided into sections of information on the country, religious information, praise points and prayer points. It is a wealth of information to help you pray for the people of the world intelligently and informatively. It will broaden your horizons and make you realise how big God is, how large his church, and how small you are in comparison.

For those that prefer email/online resource, I note their website also has daily prayer points, which summarise some of the main points from the book. I am now hoping they re-release the children’s version – You Can Change the World.

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