
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Easter - part 2

Last week I looked at preparing for Easter, now here are some resources that you could use to help your family or you celebrate Easter.

i) Books

Dave the Donkey, Dave McDonough

Dave the Donkey (by Andrew McDonough of the Lost Sheep series) has written a fantastic book about Easter for children, told by the donkey who carried Jesus into Jerusalem and his Grandpa donkey. It is well-written, tells the story with appropriate seriousness, but also ends up celebrating 'Long live the King!'

Chris, a reader, has recommended Jesus is Alive! for little ones (under 3-4 years). I haven't seen it, but we have the Christmas one, which is also very good. There is also an activity book to go along with it.

Meredith has been recommending this book - Jesus, Keep me Near the Cross, edited by Nancy Guthrie. There are twenty five readings. I am keen to hear her opinion after Easter.

Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die, by John Piper is also well worth a read. I read my way though it 2 years ago and found it very helpful.

ii) DVDs

Prince of Egypt - This is a Dreamworks production, but it's pretty good and surprisingly accurate. I have often though it would be good to watch it on Maundy Thursday to enable us to think a bit more about the great act of redemption that the Passover and the Exodus was.

iii) Music

One of the CDs we have enjoyed listening to this year is A Very Veggie Easter, a Veggie Tales Production. We bought this one last year and really like it. It's has equal measure of fun and silliness, and seriousness about Easter - the kids love it and even G & I find the songs pretty catchy.

For more serious music reflection, I have collated my own collection of songs about Easter, mainly downloading specific songs from iTunes. These include:
- Easter Song (He is Risen)
- Christ the Lord is Risen today
- The Glories of Calvary
- See What a Morning
- The Power of the Cross
- When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
- Crown Him With Many Crowns

These are wonderful to listen to over the Easter weekend.

It seems there just aren't as many resources for Easter as there are for Christmas.

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