
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

I wonder what Mother's Day means to you. It may cover a large range of emotions, perhaps:

Joy & thankfulness
  • for your mother, and your relationship with her
  • for the blessing of your own children, and your relationship with them
  • for the encouragement it is to see you mother or children continuing on in the faith and growing stronger

  • at the distance that separates you from your mother or your children
  • because you are estranged from your mother or your children, and you long to repair the rift
  • because you watch them make choices that you disagree with, and wonder how to support them

  • at the loss of your mother
  • at the loss of your child
  • at the loss of the chance to become a mother

  • because of the day-to-day realities of being a mum
  • because of the need for you to care for your elderly mother

We experience these emotions at different times, but Mother's Day is one of those days that can bring them out a little more.


Whatever your emotions on Mother's Day, I hope you have a chance to stop and:
  • give thanks for those women who have mothered you and cared for you
  • to pray for yourself as you mother and care for the children around you

I will be.

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