
Monday, July 18, 2011

My ideal job

I was part of a conversation recently where someone asked me what my ideal job would be.

I stopped and thought.

You know what my answer was?

"What I am doing now".

It even surprised me a little. Previously when someone has asked me that, I have articulated what I would want to do if I had to work.

However, I realised in those few brief seconds when I stopped to think of an answer - I am doing what I want to do.

I am wife to a wonderful man.
I am mother to three children whom I love and adore, and I have the privilege of raising them and teaching them the things of God.
We are involved in ministry and serving God's people.
I do not have to work and to this point have chosen not to.

For me, all of these things are a marvellous blessing.

Of course these things are not what is required to be content with what God has given us. We can find joy and contentment in many of life's circumstances.

Whenever I find things hard, I remember my answer to her question, and give thanks that God has put me where I am and that it's where I want to be.


  1. Thanks! Me too, and it was great to be reminded of that and to be reminded to pause and thank God.

  2. What a wonderful moment to reach. Hooray for you.


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