
Monday, August 15, 2011

A hint of spring

After a very cold and wet winter, it's lovely to see the beginnings of spring around the place. every year I am surprised by how early our almond tree blossoms, it started last weekend, with it's gorgeous white flowers:

And the beginnings of new leaves:

One week later, it is covered in new growth, and our backyard begins yet again to look less bare.

Also, my favourite trees in all Adelaide are blossoming - the pink ones (I have no idea what they are, someone could surely enlighten me?)

Spring is surely one of the best times in this city.


  1. I think that they are cherry blossoms, but am happy to be corrected if I'm wrong.

  2. I love this time of the year :)
    I was also able to admire the gardening skills of my neighbours on the way home today!

  3. Karen, Marjorie tells me they are prunus. She has been in Adelaide long enough to see most of them planted, so my guess is she knows!


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