
Friday, September 23, 2011

Mr Rosenblum's List

Mr Rosenblum's List, Natasha Solomons

I grabbed this off Mum's shelf last time I was in Sydney - she's always a source of great books.

It's the story of Jack and Sadie Rosenblum, Jewish German immigrants to England before WWII. Jack decides to assimilate to the British life totally and completely, working from a list of all the dos and don'ts of a proper Englishman.

It was a nice little book. Very easy to read. Good holiday choice.

I have decided though that I really prefer long books; really long books; or even those that are part of a series of many long books. Once I like a character and a story, I want to keep reading about them. I think this is why I am often frustrated with average length novels - they just don't contain enough details. Any suggestions from other readers of sagas out there?


  1. War and Peace? I loved the peace parts, but the war parts-not so much! But it's long and detailed! Tolstoy's good for that; in fact all the Russian novelists of that ilk do detail and character well.
    I also love Margaret Atwood's writing for the way she evokes character and feeling; but I"m getting away from sagas and series... Have you tried Alexander McCall Smith? He's done several different series with the same characters (one set per series); pretty light and entertaining, but well written.

  2. Do you like fantasy Wendy?

    Stephie and I like 'The Belgariad' by David Eddings. It's 7 books, with a follow up series of 5 (? 'The Mallorean') and a couple of long prequels as well. Good characters, some witty lines, an unfolding, exciting story.

  3. Hi Wendy, read Anthony Trollope's six Chronicles of Barsetshire ? Classic Victorian ecclesiastical saga (according to my copy. As a Christian, you'll cringe and you'll laugh in equal measure. Alison

  4. Thank you all for the suggestions!

    Camilla - I have never tried anything like War & Peace, maybe it's time. I'm not a big fan of McCall Smith - nothing much really seems to happen.

    Tamie - I may try that one. Steph put me on to Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series last year, and I read all 11 or 12 in a few months. (I saw a new one in Big W the other day too!) Might try Eddings now.

    Alison - that sounds just up my alley!

    Thanks - that gives me some good ideas for next term, where I can delve deeply into fiction!


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