
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

2017 – here we come!

After a lovely long relaxing summer, I am back to blogging.   Lots of book and movie reviews will follow in weeks to come.  I read a lot of fiction (youth and adult) which was an absolute treat as well as some excellent Christian books which I will share with you.    

One movie which didn't warrant a review was La La Land, which I found a disappointment, although surprisingly Husband didn't mind it.  He did have incredibly low expectations going in though!   I thought the singing was pretty average and the story was just an ode to Hollywood and following your dreams.   Visually it was impressive, but on the whole it wasn't great.   Having watched Les Miserables again, I was reminded how powerful a musical can be - with a great story and inspired music.   That is a musical that will always be hard to top.

Miss 11 has agreed to be one of my co-reviewers this year, giving her input on children’s / youth novels as she reads them.   I can’t possibly keep up with their reading anymore, so she will add an extra voice helping us bring you book reviews for younger ones.

So – look out for book reviews on Mondays and movie reviews on Fridays (when I have them!)

Thanks for reading!

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