
Monday, March 20, 2017

How to Raise Selfless Kids in a Self-Centred World

How to Raise Selfless Kids in a Self-Centred World, Dave Stone

With a title like this, who isn’t interested?  We know our world is increasingly self-absorbed and also that with our own sinful nature we always want to be first above all others. 

As parents, we long for our children to learn selflessness: how to care about others first, how to help, how to be generous, how to include others and how to love people who are different to us.

This little book deals with topics including greed, hospitality, grace, serving others, and seeing people without prejudice.  It’s full of tips and anecdotes to encourage you to teach your children how to love and serve others in various creative ways.

With 150 small pages, it’s only a primer for this topic.   All the examples and teaching points were delivered through examples and stories.   Some people find this a great way to learn and if that’s you, you’ll probably find it very helpful. I tend to prefer a more logical, structured format that goes into more depth, and I found it a bit light.

This is recommended for those who don’t like a lot of reading or don’t have time for it, but would still like some good ideas for ways to encourage your kids towards becoming ‘godly, generous, giving people’ (p14) who are other-person oriented.

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