
Friday, September 29, 2017

Calvary Road

Calvary Road, Colin Buchanan

Everyone here has appreciated the depth of Colin Buchanan’s new offering for adults, Calvary Road. There are songs about faith and family, many with his usual Australian and outback perspective. He has used a new producer, Matt Fell, on this album, and while my musical talents don’t extend to spotting these types of things in detail, even I can tell it’s very well produced with Colin’s usual musical skills evident, along with arresting lyrics and very importantly, it’s easy to hear each word.

Miss 12 loves The Hardest Thing, the life story of his father and the insight it gives into the life of one man who was loved and cherished. I really like Will I Be Missed, which questions how many of us will be remembered in the future – and whether what we do now matters. Mr 14 likes You’d like Jesus, pointing out that if you struggle with hypocrites and want people to be real and true, you’ll like Jesus.

A highlight of the album for me is It Was His Idea, attributed the glory of the world to God and his creative work:
It was his idea
He’s the reason that we’re here
Jesus got his fingerprints
On everything that’s good.
Upon continual listening, all of us have reflected that it seems there is a deeper side to this album that reflects grief and the loss that comes through in the telling in the music about his father. I know none of the story and it’s not my business to, but the same happened in listening to Nathan Tasker’s album Home and his hymn albums. Those also echo stories of personal grief and they show in the depth of the music.

Songwriters have a gift and a privilege to turn music and words into stories that connect, and enable people to give a voice to their own experience, especially when they don’t have the skills to do it themselves. We have always enjoyed Colin’s music – from his kids and family Christian albums, to his adult offerings, and more recently his TGIF songs from ABC Drive Radio. I’m thankful to God for Colin’s ability, he has encouraged a generation of Christian children, families and adults, and this album is an excellent addition to his canon.

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