
Monday, February 14, 2011

Bible Storybooks

Towards the end of last year I started a series on good children's books for babies, toddlers and preschoolers. I plan to restart this again this year, generally on Mondays.

To kick off the year, I thought I 'd start with a few good bibles we have discovered. None are particularly new, just new to us.

1. First Bible Stories, adapted by Jillian Harker and Michael Phipps, ill. by John Dillow)

We gave this to Miss 5 on the day she started school, continuing a tradition we started with Mr 5. It is great, very appropriate for age 4 onwards. I was impressed with the way the stories were explained, grabbing the salient points with age appropriate language. Only one quibble (and if it's only one it's a good bible!). In the account where Jesus changes the water to wine - Mary tells him the wine has run out , then "Nervously, Jesus began to speak, 'It is not yet my time...' ". I doubt nerves were the issue.

2. The Rhyme Bible, L. J. Sattgast, ill. Toni Goffe

We love rhyme in our house, so The Rhyme Bible has been a winner. I am very impresed at how Stattgast has turned the bible accounts into rhyme, still keeping the accounts quite accurate. It's a fun change between reading other bibles. Good for 3-5 year olds.

3. The Rhyme Bible Storybook for Toddlers, also by L. J. Sattgast, ill. Toni Goffe

The same duo have also created a simplified version for toddlers. Great for 2-4 year olds. Our  Miss 3 loves this one.

To see other children's bibles I have reviewed, go here.

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