
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Do you like your city?

I love the city I live in.

I have lived in 4 other cities in my life and visited many more, and I love this city.

It seems the man who chose the location of this city agrees with me:

I choose praise for Colonel Light.

Realistically, what makes a place home is not the location, or the lifestyle, but the people. And we know and love lots of people here. (for Sydney readers - yes we do love and miss you all as well!)

However, another more trivial reason that I love this city is the things that can grow here in my garden. From our apricots we made jam, from ~30 kgs of a friend's plums I made lots of jam, preserves, plum BBQ sauce and we ate lots too.

Now, the pears are ripening inside and the apples are ripening on the tree!

And we still have a steady supply of eggs too.

I feel like my desire to have a productive garden is certainly met - all 15 mins from the city centre. Adelaide - a brilliant blend!


  1. Nope, I don't like the city I live in - but I love yours! And fruit trees in the backyard is definitely an advantage of beautiful Adelaide!

  2. Couldn't agree more !!!


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