
All links on this page are to detailed posts or reviews. There are summaries of some books as well (generally the ones I liked better).

This list has gotten unwieldy, so it's now in subcategories, including my favourites.

Parenting & family - favourites 
These are my favourite parenting books at the moment, some are topic specific.
  • Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens, Paul David Tripp. An excellent book for the teenage years. 
  • Big Picture Parents, Harriet Connor (Resource Publications, 2017). Excellent book about the big picture of parenting from a strongly biblical perspective. Considering our big purpose (to live for God), our big problem (sin and its effects), our big values and our big family (both nuclear and Christian community), Connor gives parents the tools to craft their parenting vision and apply it in their context. Australian author and so will read more naturally for some.
  • Child Proof, Julie Lowe (New Growth Press, 2018). Frees parents from the trap of thinking there is a one-size fits all solution to parenting and instead encourages us to see that having Christ as central in our families can look different and varied, yet still be faithful. 
  • The New AdolescenceChristine Carter (Ben Bella Books, 2020). An excellent secular book about raising teenagers in this age of technological and development change. Parents should see themselves as coaches rather than managers, and to encourage kids to self-manage with your  influence as they mature. She explores key skills needed: connection with real people, the ability to focus, and to rest well. She outlines conversations to have about sex, alcohol & drugs, and money. A wise, empowering book that encourages parents to see the opportunity of parenting teenagers in this current climate.
  • Parenting the Wholehearted Child, Jeannie Cunnion (Zondervan, 2014). An excellent book focussing on the grace of God and how that affects your parenting. Aimed more at those with younger children (0-10s) but the principles that apply to all stages of parenting.
  • The Pop Culture Parent: Helping Kids Engage Their World for Christ, Ted Turnau, E. Stephen Burnett, and Jared Moore (New Growth Press, 2020). Parents are helped to develop and implement wise and godly principles that apply across the range of parenting, as your family interacts with popular culture. Highly recommended.
  • Parenting Ahead: Preparing now for the teen yearsKristen Hatten (New Growth Press, 2023). Encourages parents to be proactive, gospel focused, and intentional as they approach the teen years. Wise, biblical and full of grace (for parent and child)
  • Reaching Your Child’s Heart, Juan and Jeanine Sanchez (New Growth Press, 2024). Lots of biblical wisdom and solid advice for Christian parents. A sensible parenting approach that prioritises grace as well as planning, and wise instruction for parenting different ages of children. One caveat - I disagree with his use of "chastisement" as a term that includes spanking in discipline. Other than that, it's a great book.  
  • Safeguards: Shielding Our Homes and Equipping Our Kids, Julie Lowe (New Growth Press, 2022). Encourages parents to proactively establish a home and worldview that protects their children and teaches them safety skills for their age and situations. Wise and applicable from young children to young adults. 

Parenting & family - general
  • And Then I Had Kids, Susan Alexander Yates (sub titled: Encouragement for Mothers of Young Children). A realistic book about the ups and downs of mothering.
  • Building Bridges: Biblical Counseling activities for Children and Teens, Julie Lowe (New Growth Press, 2020)
  • Disciplines of a Godly Family, Kent and Barbara Hughes (2007). A godly perspective on many parenting issues, with practical ideas to share your faith with your family and how to establish family traditions. This book, combined with Jodie Bernt's Praying the Scriptures for your Children transformed my prayer life, helping it to become more disciplined and structured. They have also written Disciplines of a Godly Man and Disciplines of a Godly Woman which both Husband and I have really appreciated. Do not feel overwhelmed with ideas reading this book, just pick and choose what works for your family.
  • Families in God's Plan, Harriet Connor (Growing Faith, 2021). Helpful online resource of 12 bible studies looking at parenting. 
  • Gospel-Centred Family: Becoming the parents God wants you to be, Ed Moll and Tim Chester (Good Book Company, 2009). Challenges us to think about how being Christian changes our parenting, goals for our children, and priorities as a family. It emphasizes God’s word as a priority, the need for discipline but also grace, and encourages us to think about being a mission-minded family. Short and easy to read.
  • How to Really Love Your Child, D Ross Campbell, M.D. A great commonsense book on ensuring that your children actually receive the love you give them. Easy to read and full of ideas.
  • How to Really Parent Your ChildRoss Campbell. Encourages you to proactively parent according to your child's needs rather than reactively parent according to your child's actions. We need to focus on long-term issues rather than short-term cutting of unpleasant behaviour. Lots to think about especially how we show love to our children and how to help them manage anger.
  • How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlich. By the same authors of Siblings Without Rivalry (see below). Full of suggestions for helping kids identify and express feelings, engaging them to do the things required of them, alternatives to punishment, how to teach autonomy and other things. A practical book for parenting toddlers through to teenagers.
  • Kids are worth it! Barbara Coloroso Part 1 and Part 2
      • Leading Your Child to Jesus, David Staal (2006). Practical book helping you speak to your children about matters of faith; your own conversion; God's plan of salvation; and how to help children pray to God to accept him as their Saviour and Lord. He has suggestions about how to reach young children with the gospel and talk to them about God and his work in the world.  
      • Love and Respect in the Family, Dr Emerson Eggerichs (2014). Based on the premise that parents desire respect and children need love. His overarching message is that parenting is for adults only, so step up and be an adult - take responsibility for your actions and responses. Parent with love and in the end, focus on Christ in your parenting.
      • Loving Life as an at-home mom Donna Otto. There were lots of helpful things in this book, including challenging women to actually be 'at-home' mothers in their children's younger years. There were other parts of it that were less helpful, or personally relevant. 
      • On Becoming Babywise, Ezzo and Bucknam

      • Parenting: The 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family, Paul David Tripp (Crossway, 2016). Returns to the core principles that shape Christian parenting: we are all sinners in need of God’s grace and mercy, and he alone transforms our hearts. Biblically-focussed and grace-centred, yet a bit absolute and condescending in tone. Read it when you are open to challenge, and want to realign your heart and motivations as you parent.
      • The Parenting Book, Nicky & Sila Lee (2009). Great, all-purpose parenting manual covering how families work, how to meet children's needs, building character and setting boundaries, helping children make good choices, and how to pass on our beliefs and values. Well-written, well-researched, detailed and balanced.    
      • Parenting First Aid, Marty Machowski (New Growth Press, 2018). A devotional book for parents when things get hard and they are wondering: am I going to trust God and his good plans, or reject them when things seem to be falling apart? Machowski’s goal is to drive parents to scripture and prayer. There is much in here to remind you of the truths you already know but perhaps may have forgotten: God is sovereign, he loves your children, and he works for good both in your heart and theirs. 
      • Praying the Scriptures for your Children Jodie Bernt (2000). Aimed at mothers, this helps you pray biblically and intelligently for your children across five categories: faith, character, safety, relationship and future. Easy to read, with lots of anecdotes, and is ‘ready to go’ - each chapter contains the bible verses at the end to pray for your children. You'll probably find you use the principles to change your whole prayer life, not just prayers for your children.
        • Siblings Without Rivalry, Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlich. A great book to think through the challenges between siblings. Advice for helping children identify feelings; how to avoid comparisons between children; how to avoid assigning roles in families; and how to manage actual fighting. 
        • Treasuring God in Our TraditionsNoel Piper (2007). Helps you think why to have traditions in your home, because "we are always teaching our children, whether we mean to or not. Our children come to believe, probably unconsciously, that whatever is repeated regularly has significance" and that "we must plan to reflect God and teach about Christ in the repeated events of our lives". Good suggestions for everyday and regular traditions, special times (eg birthdays), Christmas and Easter traditions. Don't feel overwhelmed, just use it to get ideas for your family. 
        Parenting & family - specific topics
        • Cyber Parenting: raising your kids in an online worldJames & Simone Boswell.  Practical, sensible, biblical guide to the challenges and opportunities of parenting kids in an online world. They remind that the heart issues, such as self-control and idols, have to be actively addressed online and offline.
        • Going Public: Your Child Can Thrive in Public School, David & Kelli Pritchard.  While aimed at encouraging parents to use the public school system, this is an excellent book about parenting your children through the school years. Most is relevant no matter what education system you use - public, private, Christian, and (to a lesser extent) homeschool. Overarching message is that God is in control, even over our children’s education.
        • How and When to Tell Your Kids about SexStan and Brenna Jones. Excellent resource covering 4 stages: infancy to kindergarten, pre-puberty, puberty and adolescence. Over all of these, they have developed 12 principles of sex-education which include: parents are the principle sex educators, first messages are most important, positive messages are powerful and we should seize teachable moments and be askable parents. For more details on the books we read with our children at various ages, look through the posts on sex education.  
        • Screenwise, Devorah Heitner. A wise, applicable book calling you to mentor your child to digital wisdom, rather than monitor them. She reminds us that while our children may be tech savvy, we have wisdom. We should not mistake digital proficiency with good digital citizenship, and must remember that true screen wisdom is about relationships.   
        • Surviving Year 12, Michael Carr Gregg & Elly Robinson (2020). Practical guide to parents encouraging them to be 'chilled yet vigilant' parents through Year 12.
        Preparing for Parenthood:
        • Bringing Forth Life, Jodie McIver (Growing Faith, 2023). Excellent, biblical treatment of pregnancy and birth by an Australian midwife and theology graduate. Addresses the joys and challenges of these stages, the choices to be made, along with encouragement to trust our Father is in control and he cares.  
        • Expectant Parents, Suzanne Hadley Gosselin (Focus on the Family, 2014). A helpful guide to becoming parents from a Christian perspective - how to prioritise your marriage, think about your role, find community, having long term goals and how the early weeks and months of having a baby look.
        • Tying Their Shoes, Rob & Stephanie Green. A scripturally saturated guide for impending parents, covering a mix of theological concepts, principles and practical application in a format that gives insight, wisdom, things to ponder and decisions to make as they approach parenthood.
        Parenting boys  (in order of my favourites)
        Parenting girls
                  • Grandparenting with Grace, Larry E. McCall (New Growth Press, 2019).  Excellent resource for grandparents seeking to model Christ to their children and grandchildren. 

                  Some other resources: