General posts:
A visit to our sponsor children
Why to visit a gospel partner
Slowing Down
A series to encourage us to stand in awe of God
How do you read the bible?
Marriage and intimacy
Meaningful conversations
Minister's Wives
Shyness, introversion and ministry (an update version of this on TGCA)
The Next Story (a series working through a Tim Challies book about living Christianly in a digital world)
Thoughts on reading - what I read, how and why
Thoughts on busyness, from working through The Busy Christian's Guide to Busyness, Tim Chester: small posts from this blog and a detailed series on in tandem.
Facing up to the Candy Crush addiction
Posts about parenting and children:
Related to primary school:
- An idea for an end of year primary school graduation for boys.
- Thoughts on having all kids at school
- Thoughts about being involved in your children's primary school
- Some things I learnt about having pre-schoolers
- Thinking about the last pre-schooler at home
Prayer & faith with kids:
- A series on prayer with children and in families
- Some posts about teaching children the faith
- A praying godparent
- Raising kids with God at the centre (series)
- A series of books to read aloud to children
- Love languages in a family
- Angry mummy
- Families and fathers
- Public mummy
- At home and not happy (& postscript)
- Getting Real (book review pt 1 & pt 2) and follow up post on Disney Princesses