When we get together with couples about to
become parents, we talk about many things.
These include prioritising their relationship with God, prioritising
their marriage, trusting themselves as new parents, managing their
relationships with their own parents, and thinking about their new roles as
‘Mum’ and ‘Dad’.
One specific thing we talk about is the
risk of always looking forward to the next stage, rather than finding the
positives in the stage you are in. Those
“I wish they could talk”, “I wish they were at school”, “I wish we could skip
the tantrums” thoughts. All very understandable
and thoughts many of us will have had at some time or another.

At one level, it’s a pretty depressing film,
and it has all the usual crassness of most Sandler offerings so you certainly
won’t agree with or even like parts of it, but it certainly makes you question
your life’s priorities. It’s worth
watching and then thinking about where your life tends to function on auto
pilot and anything you might like to think about changing.
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