Monday, October 28, 2024

Two Steps Forward

I have recently enjoyed two books co-authored by husband and wife team Graeme Simsion and Anne Buist. I was already familiar with Simsion’s writing in the very enjoyable Rosie Project trilogy.

Zoe, an artist from California and Martin, an engineer from Yorkshire both find themselves in Cluny, France. One’s spouse has died and the other has experienced a messy divorce. Each decides to walk the Camino to Santiago solo, yet they cross paths, with numerous other pilgrims along the way.

It’s told from each character’s perspective in alternating chapters, and slowly their stories are revealed. Simison and Buist have walked the trail, and their insight and knowledge are woven throughout, including the occasional reference to the Martin Sheen movie, The Way. There are ups and downs, laughter and grief, and all up, it’s a lovely story.

I was pleased to discover that there is a sequel, Two Steps Onwards, set three years later, where many of the same group walk the Chemin d’Assise and Via Francigena from rural France to Rome.

They have a new book out this year, The Glass House, I look forward to trying that as well. 

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