Friday, February 26, 2010


This was one of our Christmas presents for the kids this year - and it has been an absolute winner.

I have very fond memories of playing this in the evenings with my family on holidays in the snowfields in the US when we were children. I was keen to create some of the same memories (perhaps without the snowfields at this stage!).

All three kids love it. Mr  6.75-years loves it and picked it up straight away.  Miss 4.75-years got the hang of it within a few days. And even Miss 2.5 can follow the colours and say 'uno' when she has one card left. It's fun for parents (unlike Snap or Go-Fish) and you can have 2 or up to many players, so its truly a fun family game!

If you have kids the same age as mine - give it a try, you just might have fun too!

1 comment:

mattnbec said...

Yes! Our kids too (5 and 2.5). In fact, they taught Granny and Grandpa how to play!